Shadamy Week is here! Yes, I have a little soft spot for this ship but I lean more toward the platonic side of it. I just think it’s cuter and fits their characters more, not to say they can’t be shipped romantically, I just personally prefer them as good friends, Amy being someone Shadow sees as similar to Maria, that sort of thing. I try to stick to what is canonically possible most of the time, but I may go off the rails every now and then for spits and giggles ^^
Part 1: You are here
Part 2: Day 2 and 4 | Memories and Promise
There won’t be a video for every day, I just decided to do videos for certain days so make sure to check my social medias for the other days! I wanted to color it to set the tone but I was already so behind so don’t expect the others to be colored either lol. Also! I’ll be signing my videos from now on because I’m a dummy for not doing it sooner 😋
Done by @Rachelizza Dubs and @Ja
3 years ago 00:02:38 1
Shadow & Amy’s Pinkie Promise - Sonic The Hedgehog Animatic Dub