9th Zinoviev Readings: Panel discussion 1

IX International Conference “The Zinoviev Readings”: “Alexander Zinoviev’s Post-sovietism and Post-capitalism – which kind of social and political system do we want to create” October 29, 2018, Moscow, Rossiya Segodnya International Multimedia Press Center. Greater Hall. Panel discussion 1. Topic: “Alexander Zinoviev and the Search for Alternatives to Global Capitalism“ Moderator: Vladimir Lepekhin, Provost of the Moscow International Business School MIRBIS, Vice-president of the International Alexander Zinoviev Science and Culture Center, Member Member of the IIA “Rossiya Segodnya” Zinoviev Club Keynote speech: Olga Zinoviev, Director of the Alexander Zinoviev Biographical Institute, Co-Chair of the IIA “Rossiya Segodnya” Zinoviev Club Discussion participants: Nikita Mikhalkov (Russia), Todor Todorov (Bulgaria), Giulietto Chiesa (Italy), Dimitrios Patelis (Greece), Sergey Baburin (Russia) During the First panel the awarding ceremony of Alexander Zinoviev Philosophical price, a Literature price and Enlightenment price is going to take place.
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