Cavy Corner Guinea Sanctuary - Parry Gripp

You can help these guinea pigs by donating to Cavy Corner Guinea Sanctuary: Guinea pigs need love, too! Cavy Corner rescues abused, abandoned, neglected and unwanted guinea pigs in addition to taking in piggies with special needs either because of poor health or behaviour. They nurse them back to good health and find the perfect family for them or provide them with a loving forever home here. The guineas in their care are very much loved and cherished. We have also given homes to guineas when changes in circumstances mean a family can no longer keep their cavy. Cavy Corner is a completely voluntary organisation run entirely by a team of dedicated volunteers. LYRICS: Cavy Corner Guinea Sanctuary Here to help our furry little friends Rescuing abandoned guinea pigs Sometimes the smallest ones Need the most love Ba-bup-ba-bu-ba-bup-bup-ba-ba Ba-bup-ba-bu-bup-bup-bup-bup-ba Feeding and housing needy guinea pigs Sometimes the smallest o
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