Transmigrated teeth|【Chris Chang Ortho】CC741

This presentation first briefly explain the definition of transmigration and its anatomical characteristics and then provided three different types of transmigration treatment. While sometimes creating space alone can facilitate auto-eruption, other times surgical intervention is required to clear the eruption pathway and applying an additional tracking force to guide the teeth into a functional position. 本篇報告首先簡介何謂游離牙以及相關的解剖學上的特徵,之後便提出三種不同游離牙治療的案例來說明對應的處理原則。有些情況只需要透過創造空間,即可以讓牙齒自然萌發,但有些案例需要透過手術的方式,將阻礙萌發路徑上的軟硬組織清除後,再施加額外的牽引力量才能將牙齒拉出到齒列。
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