Sylff - Inner Devastation | Outer Serenity - Chapter 4 : Songes Ineffables

The fourth chapter of our first album Inner Devastation | Outer Serenity. One chapter will be released per week. Check out our Bandcamp (). Follow us on facebook : Full album available the 21st of June 2018. Lyrics : On the misty valleys They were both lost Inside of the immensity They couldn’t see They were reliving Over and over This moment Yet unfinished to them It would always be Trying to reach The unreachable Finding a way to flee The inevitable It gave them hope But as they got closer, They went further, Boundlessly Desire for serenity Led us To the thirst of our hearts L’inatteignable attirait le premier, Qui méprisait tout le reste. Il était avide de ce qu’il ne pouvait obtenir, Et s’il y parvenait, le scintillement qui s’en dégageait Finirait par s’estomper. Le second cherchant à
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