[ENG] 호주즈 조합 유죄..그냥 유죄(This Aussie union is guilty. Just guilty) With Stray kids | THE 윌벤쇼
👤👥👤스트레이 키즈👤👥👤방찬 & 필릭스가 나왔대요💞👤👥👤
셰프로 변신한 윌벤 & 찬릭스와 함께
미트파이를 만들어 보아요💜
폭풍 반죽과 썰기가 난무하는
대환장 덬윌벤 쿠킹쑈💦
과연 미트파이를 완성할 수 있을지...?
💕매주 금요일 저녁 6시 THE 윌벤쇼 많사부💕
👤👥 There’s a buzzing..👤👥👤At the Wilben Show👤👥👤
👤👥👤 Stray Kids 👤👥👤 BANG CHAN & FELIX came out💞👤👥👤
With Willben and Chanlix, who turned into chefs,
Let’s make a meat pie💜
It’s full of making dough and cutting
The crazy WILLBEN cooking show 💦
Will they be able to complete the meat pie...?
🖤Stray Kids World Domination💗
💕Please look forward to THE WILLBEN Show at 6 p.m. every week💕
#THE윌벤쇼 #필릭스 #방찬
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8 months ago 00:13:53 1
[ENG] 호주즈 조합 유죄..그냥 유죄(This Aussie union is guilty. Just guilty) With Stray kids | THE 윌벤쇼