In this video, I share with my viewers a process of selecting herbs to treat sciatic pain. No two formulas are alike 😊 Here is the complete prescription for this patient: Lóng Dǎn Cǎo 龍膽草 Gentiana scabra Zhī Zǐ 梔子 Gardenia jasminoides Mù Tōng 木通 Akebia quinata Chē Qián Zǐ 車前子 Plantago asiatica Zé Xiè 澤瀉 Alisma plantago-aquatica Chái Hú 柴胡 Bupleurum chinense Dāng Guī 當歸 Angelica sinensis Wèi Líng Xiān 威靈仙 Clematis chinensis Dú Huò 獨活 Angelica pubescens Dù Zhōng 杜仲 Eucommia ulmoides Please remember that I share this information for learning purposes only. To learn to prescribe Chinese herbs takes years of diligent study. I aim to share the process because I believe the methodology of pres
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