A testicular biopsy takes a tissue sample from your testicle for laboratory analysis.
The two testicles are the male reproductive organs. They produce sperm and the male sex hormone testosterone. Your testicles are located in your scrotum, which is the fleshy pouch of tissue that hangs under your penis.
A testicular biopsy can be used to-
diagnose the location and condition of a lump in the testes
diagnose causes of male infertility
obtain sperm for in vitro fertilization (IVF)
How successful is Tesa procedure?
How much does it cost to retrieve sperm?
When is Tesa procedure done?
Is sperm extraction painful?
What is the difference between tesa and TESE?
How much sperm do you need for IVF?
Which is better IVF or ICSI?
Is fresh sperm better for IVF?
Does sperm quality matter for IVF?
In case of any queries please feel free to contact us.
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Dr. Sunil Jindal Reproductive specialist
(Endoscopic / Microsurgery / IVF / ICSI)
Surgeon, Andrologist, IVF sp by training,
Orator, Author, teacher by passion
Over 6000 babies born by ART
Dr. Anshu Jindal
High Risk Obstetrician & Gynaecologist,
Infertility Specialist,
Over 6000 babies born by ART
Medical Director Jindal Hospital & Dr. Madhu Jindal Memorial Test Tube Baby Centre, Meerut
There’s nothing I love more than giving children to infertile couples
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We bring to you this video from the state of the art fertility centre for men and women,Jindal hospital and test tube baby video is for patient and doctor education so that you are wiser in pursuing your dream and goal of having a baby for yourself or your the best-You are a champion!
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1 year ago 00:00:57 1
1 year ago 00:01:03 7
TESE ICSI. Testicular sperm extraction using the needle biopsy technique