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In today’s video, I’ll show you how to sample your favourite songs as we look at using Izotope RX 9 to separate into stems a few songs that we’d like to sample. Using the Music Rebalance feature in RX 9, we can get to work with individual drums, bass, vocals and music stems from whatever we feed into it. We then imported the stems into Ableton Live 11 for warping as well as used Accusonus ReGroover Pro to separate drum stems either further into individual hits in the loop.
After making some loop we liked, we closed Ableton Live and opened Bitwig Studio 4.3; conveniently opening the Ableton .ALS file natively in Bitwig. We also used EZ Bass to make a nice tight little bassline. We messed around with Melodyne to manipulate the harmonic content of one of the music loops and reshaped it into a synth that would fit with our other chords.
Combining these techniques, we end up making a pretty cool nu-disco / disco house kind of track similar to some of the tunes artists like Fouk, HNNY, Black Loops, Harvey Sutherland or Dan Kye might make.
Truly mind-blowing technology at work here!
0:00 Intro
0:38 Separating Songs Into Stems With Izotope RX 9 ’Music Rebalance’ tool
6:29 Warping Stems In Ableton Live 11
8:28 Separating Drum Stems Into Individual Samples
19:16 Chopping Drum Samples Down Further
21:53 Improving The Kick Drum With Ableton Drum Bus
25:03 Chopping Up The Vocal
27:24 Chopping The Music Sample
29:58 Further Drum Editing
34:14 Importing Ableton Projects Into Bitwig Studio
37:26 Making a Bassline With EZ Bass
40:44 Using Melodyne To Edit The Harmony In A Sample
45:04 Chopping Up The Vocal
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