I dont think ill make a tutorial (because im too lazy to upload the reshade)
So ill just tell you how to do it
this is a modified lamda reshade
with MXAO and a FIXED depth buffer or whatever makes the ray tracing stuff not work on source here is the addon to fix it
unfortunately for MXAO you will need a nividia graphics blah blah blah or something, but it looks almost as good without it i think ull be alright, also for the fisheye its just Perfect perspective
Now for the mods, the weapon is a glock from the ARC9 EFT Addon but any weapon from arc9 will do
Most people would think i used viewmod but actually i used Eye view attachment with a couple console commands here is eye view attachment
the console commands i used are Eyeview_full 1 and something else to remove the crosshair thing eyeview_aimhelper 0 and thats it! wait no
I didnt show it but mighty foot (that kicking addon everyone uses) looks frickin epic with this
But it needs the third person animations ill show you how to add them
First get mighty foot duh
It requires vmanip but its already on the steampage so i wont link it
Now get Extended player animations i will link here
It also needs some stuff but thats on the steampage too so i wont link it either
and once you have both of those installed you will a cool looking kick that knocks open doors!
have fun
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