In the footsteps of al-Andalus.
Bazamat in Arabic means traces in English, huellas en español.
Direction & coreografías: Nesma
Musical direction & arrangements: Rebal Alkhodari
Premiered on December 17, 2022 at the Scène de Bayssan theatre, Beziers, France.
“Is the legacy of al-Andalus still alive in us? »
This is one of the questions Nesma asks herself when she turns to look at the path she has travelled. Why this passion for dance and Arab music? Through her shows, she questions and invokes the influence of the Arab-Andalusian civilization in our history, our customs and our m
...entality; this effaced link of our culture, Iberian, Mediterranean, European. The trace refers to a living being that in movement. Only an animate being leaves an imprint, traces a path, marks a sign of this journey; that is to say, it transits emotion in time, it unfolds an experience. It is a remnant of the past updated in the present. It is a past converted into matter and pShow more