Hearthstone. Alterac Valley - All Legendary Sound & Music
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00:00 - Caria Felsoul
00:13 - Kurtrus, Demon-Render
01:13 - Wing Commander Mulverick
01:29 - Wildheart Guff
02:37 - Wing Commander Ichman
02:47 - Beaststalker Tavish
03:42 - Balinda Stonehearth
03:52 - Magister Dawngrasp
04:49 - Saidan the Scarlet
05:00 - Lightforged Cariel
05:51 - Najak Hexxen
06:03 - Xyrella, the Devout
07:13 - Cera’thine Fleetrunner
07:24 - Shadowcrafter Scabbs
08:27 - Bearon Gla’shear
08:41 - Bru’kan of the Elements
09:51 - Dreadlich Tamsin
11:21 - Captain Galvangar
11:32 - Rokara, the Valorous
12:42 - Ivus, the Forest Lord
12:57 - Korrak the Bloodrager
13:12 - Vanndar Stormpike
13:23 - Drek’Thar
13:33 - Lokholar the Ice Lord
13:50 - Sub