#apsent #evenblurryvideos
Original by ApSent
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Hi! My name is Igor Sakharov. I record covers and original songs and edit videos by myself at home. Leave a comment, share and subscribe!
The street lights are on
Wish I could keep talking to you
Till the break of dawn
But you have to go again
Got errands in the morning, I understand
Another long night in the shades of blue
It sucks, that’s true
Wait up, mind if I come with you?
Hey! Can I come with you
With you
Wait up!
This day could have been nice
But you’re facing jail time
For a few lines
The vibe here feels pretty bad
Well, see you later, bye motherland
Sneaking through the woods
In the shades of blue
The plan sucks, it’s true
Wait up, mind if I come with you?
Many years have passed
You’re an old lady
I’m an old pain in the ass
All this is long gone
We sure have something to remember though
If you decide to leave this world
Before I do, wait up...Show more