Greatswords Defending the Flag - Melee Games (Montante/Zweihander/Schlachtschwert)
Recorded during a melee game as part of our workshop on the greatsword (montante/zweihander), at Gathering of Wolves 2023 in Cardiff. In this scenario six greatsword users have to protect their colours (flag), aided by a Captain and two Sergeants equipped with single handers. They are opposed by a significantly larger mob all equipped with aingle handed swords. As this game featured montantes which are of realistic weight we expected light contact only due to the potential striking power. Experience levels were varied, with many doing montante for the first time. This game was intended to give attendees a flavour for a common scenario that these swords were used in after 30 mins of solo practice drills.
The conditions of victory for the mob is to take the flag back to their starting zone. The flag group must defeat all attackers to be able to win. There were three attempts at this scenario recorded, in the first two the attacking mob won and had 8 and 9 survivors, whereas in the third run the flag group won. This is clearly done with light contact and restraint, but even then it showed the massive strength of the montante in group fighting.
Thanks to Thomas Sylvester for filming these games and supplying the footage. It’s a little shaky due to tired hands, but great to have.
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Greatswords Defending the Flag - Melee Games (Montante/Zweihander/Schlachtschwert)
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