There are a thousand ways to tell a story. This one follows a different way of experiencing time, one that guides our protagonists all throughout the twenty-two day expedition in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan. Following in the footsteps of the country’s nomadic people and the ancient Silk Road, Thomas Delfino, Léa Klaue, and Aurélien Lardy embark on an adventure to
one of the most remote and still unexplored places in Asia: the Kokshaal-Too Mountains.
This dream team, with support from legendary high-mountain guides Hélias Millerioux and Jean-Yves Fredriksen, find themselves thrown into a world where Time and Space appear to stand still.
CHRONOCEPTION - A timeless ski & snowboard adventure in Kyrgyzstan
Film directed by Guillaume Broust based on an original idea by Thomas Delfino. Produced by Picture.
Riders : ThomasDelfino, Léa Klaue & Aurel Lardy
Mountain guides : Jean Yves Fredrieksen & Helias Millerioux
Filmers : Guillaume Broust & Pierre Frechou
Photographer : Jeremy Bernard
Supported by Petzl, Samaya & Osprey
1 view
1 year ago 00:01:08 1
CHRONOCEPTION - Official Movie Trailer
1 year ago 00:21:11 1
03:18 am - Supondo Corpos Imersos em Ciclos de Chuva