NYC parents spending millions, lying, moving across the country to get kids into Ivy League
The college admissions rat race has reached new levels of insanity, according to one consultant who has seen the havoc it wreaks on families firsthand.
“It’s beyond crazy,” Christopher Rim, founder and CEO of Command Education, told The Post. “The emphasis on elite and Ivy schools has absolutely gone off the rails.”
Among the wild lengths he’s seen parents go to in pursuit of an acceptance letter: spending up to $1.5 million on college counselors and moving across the country for a more advantageous address.
“Many Ivy League admissions officers are actively recruiting in non-urban areas where there are no students currently applying — which means that talented students in those areas who do apply generally have better chances of admission,” Rim said.
“I’ve seen families drop out of [prep schools] Collegiate and Dalton and move to states like Kentucky and Arkansas for high school — it’s a sacrifice families are willing to take to increase their child’s chances of acceptance at their dream colleges.”
#collge #ivyleague #parents
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