Libéranos del mal - Sarabande (Handel) “I Pet Goal 2” Arturo Cerezo

Sarabande The dance may have been of Guatemalan and Mexican origin evolved from a Spanish dance with Arab influences, danced with a lively double line of couples with castanets.[1][2] A dance called zarabanda is first mentioned in 1539 in Central America in the poem Vida y tiempo de Maricastaña, written in Panama by Fernando de Guzmán Mejía.[3][4] The dance seems to have been especially popular in the 16th and 17th centuries, initially in the Spanish colonies, before moving across the Atlantic to Spain. _____________________________________ I, Pet Goat II I, Pet Goat II es un cortometraje canadiense de animación de 2012 dirigida, producida y editada por Louis Lefebvre. La premisa del mismo se centra en la sociedad y política estadounidense, en especial las administraciones George W. Bush y Barack Obama con alegorías bíblicas y egipcias con un escenar
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