SV. American President Harry Truman stepping down from plane at Wake Island and is greeted by General Douglas MacArthur, former Allied Supreme Commander in the Pacific. SCU. General MacArthur and President Truman shaking hands. SV. Press photographers. CU. General MacArthur.
GV. Tanks advancing in Korea. SV. Interior, General Mathew Ridgway, who took over from General MacArthur, studying map at Headquarters. LV. & GV. Tanks firing. SV. General Ridgway with another officer pointing. GV. Explosion on hillside.
SV. General Pershing decorating General MacArthur in 1918. LV. Gener MacArthur inspecting troops in Germany, also 1918, & SV. LV. West Point cadets listening to General MacArthur (1930’s). Side view, General MacArthur addressing cadets. GV. Landing craft on beach at Bataan (1945). SV. General MacArthur wading ashore with officers (1945). SCU. General MacArthur wading ashore with officers (1945). GV. Top view, Japanese generals and others onboard American ship Missouri for signing theShow more