Oscars, Golden Severums, Silver Dollars and Plecos

The oscar is a species of fish from the cichlid family known under a variety of common names, including tiger oscar, velvet cichlid, and marble cichlid. In tropical South America, where the species naturally resides, A. ocellatus specimens are often found for sale as a food fish in the local markets. Heros severus, is a species of tropical freshwater cichlid native to the upper Orinoco and upper Rio Negro basins in South America. It has historically been confused with several other species in the genus, most recently H. liberifer. This species is rarely found in the aquarium trade. Silver dollar is a common name given to a number of species of fishes, mostly in the genus Metynnis, tropical fish belonging to the family Characidae which are closely related to piranha and pacu. Native to South America, these somewhat round-shaped silver fish are popular with fish-keeping hobbyists. Hypostomus plecostomus, also known as the suckermouth catfish or the common pleco, is a tropical fish belonging
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