Albanian National Ensemble “Mati Girls“

(English) - Dance of The Albanian National Ensemble of Folk Songs and Dances. This is a dance with motives from Mati region, which is called “Mati Girls“. The first dancers in this dance are Olta Ahmetaj, Helga Saraci and Brikena Jaupaj. Choreographer: Genc Kastrati (Shqip) - Valle e Ansamblit Kombetare te Kengeve e Valleve Popullore. Kjo eshte nje valle me motive te rethit te Matit e cila titullohet “Vajzat Matiane“ solistet kryesor ne kete valle jane Olta Ahmetaj, Helga Saraci dhe Brikena Jaupaj. Koreogra
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