Donetsk Streets Continue To Be Mined By Ukraine (SPEACIAL REPORT)

Ukraine has continued to fire rockets over Donetsk that break up mid air and drop mines over residential areas. Civilians have been injured by these over and over again. Sunday February 26th the 93rd civilian was injured by one of these mines. In this report I go to the site where a woman was walking her dog and foot was blown off by the explosion. While there I filmed the DPR emergency services workers demining the area. I spoke to eye witnesses that injured it was a civilian area and no military target there. At the end of this report I also show you an interview I made with a Russian man that is on the FBI most wanted list. He has some very interesting things to say, including that the FBI framed him( an inocente man) My name is Patrick Lancaster and I think you deserve more then what the Western main stream media is willing to show you. I think you need to see information for both sides of the contact line. Why does the Western mainstream media think the world does not deserve to see reports
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