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“Liberation of Ukraine from the German Fascist Invaders” is a black-and-white Russian-language documentary film comprised of various archival footage depicting the offensives launched by the Soviets to drive Nazi forces out - this includes the Belgorod–Kharkov offensive, Donbas strategic offensive, and Dnieper/ Kyiv Offensive among others.
Opening credits, title page (0:08). Aerial view Soviet monument (0:25). Fighting begins 1942-1943 (0:50). Soviet statue/ monument of woman passionately hugging valiant soldier in Donbas Region (1:15). Pz Kpfw II Ausf. F German tanks with winter camouflage (1:30). Sd Kfz 251/16 German flamethrower vehicle (1:34). Airborne Heinkel He 111 bomber, ammunition falls from sky and destroys buildings (1:40). Group of Soviet soldiers stand for roll call, hold up PPSh-41 Soviet submachine guns - likely formation of nationalist partisan units in Volhynia that became known as Ukrainian Insurgent Army (Ukrainska Povstanska Armiia; UPA), known for guerrilla warfare (2:33). Map of Ukraine (2:42). Soviet soldiers study attack strategy at camp (2:45). Soldiers set off on horseback through villages with burning homes, other soldiers seen laying explosives along train tracks, train cars disintegrating in fire (2:53). Home front: Soviet wartime factory manufacturing planes, tanks; Doctors; Women assembling weapons in factory (3:23). Commanders, officers in decorated uniforms discuss battle strategy (4:08). Soldiers riding on tank, squad of tanks roll in on Donbas Region (4:17). Battle of Kharkov, likely footage from Belgorod–Kharkov Offensive Operation when Soviet forces took back the city; Joyful celebrations (4:31). Donbas Strategic Offensive (5:03). Entry of Soviet soldiers to city of Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine (then known as Stalino) 1943, flags of victory waved from tall buildings (5:40). More home front efforts: Agricultural work, gathering natural resources i.e. coal (5:52). Attack on industrial factory, displaced people look on with concern, rescuers clear rubble and find families (Graphic depictions of wounded/ dead) (6:04). Soviet monument, men and women stand proud with Soviet flag (6:34). Guerrilla attacks, Soviet armies moving farther west (6:43). Map of Ukraine, line denotes battle front moving farther west (7:00). Soviet soldiers dig trenches, commanders discuss strategy, soldiers hiding out in various trenches/ camouflage hideouts patrolling for Nazi armies coming from land and sky (7:04). Soviet map of Kyiv, preparations for “Battle of Kyiv 1943” (8:44). 6 November 1943 Soviet soldiers march into Kyiv (9:34). Monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky Kyiv (9:47). Survey of destruction around Kyiv, damaged buildings, smoke from fresh fire and explosions (9:50). Soviet army hosts press conference, announces capture of city (10:00). Aerial views of city decimated by fighting, reduced practically to rubble and hollowed out buildings (10:11). Dnepropetrovsk Offensive/ Battle of Dnieper (October 1943 - important to note sequence of events out of order since this offensive was before liberation of Kyiv) (10:47). Map of Ukraine, animated arrows indicate battle front continuing to move farther west (11:15). Train travels along tracks, transporting tanks to battle front (11:22). Battling along Dnieper/ Kyiv offensive rages on, winter comes and soldiers brave snow/ harsh conditions; Map highlights area of fighting (11:38). German Panzer Panther Ausf D2 tank (12:09). Assault on Nazi forces from air, Petlyakov Pe-2 aircraft dropping bombs; Ground assault with anti-aircraft artillery i.e. Soviet 125 mm Ampulomet (12:23). Helmets of fallen soldiers laid out in snow as makeshift graves (12:55). Sign for Schepetowka, likely footage of Dnieper–Carpathian offensive against the German Army Group South, Army Group A and elements of Army Group Center December 1943 to May 1944 (13:17). Illustrated portraits likely Soviet “war heroes” who died in offensive campaign (14:13). Flowers garner the eternal flame on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Kyiv (14:48). Two soldiers kiss in celebration (15:12). Footage of Winter / Spring Campaign 1944 - Soviet soldiers push into Crimea (15:14). Area liberated from Nazis, soldier ride in on top of tanks, people line streets and cheer in celebration (16:12). Aftermath, portraits of soldiers marching out of liberated cities, riding tanks and walking out of conflict zones (16:50). Credits (18:48).
This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit
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