(c) 2023 by AnalogAudio1
You can buy these patches for your SEQUENTIAL SIX-TRAK - read the Youtube description for details (scroll down).
I played the SCI Six-Trak along with a Korg SDD-3000 (for delay effects, right channel only). The left channel is dry. No other treatments were applied (no eq, no limiter, etc.)
This video shows the capabilities of the SCI Six-Trak equipped with the latest firmware version 14. The best part is the programmable amount of oscillator detuning in UNISON mode, which can be stored in a patch. This gives much greater control and makes the Six-Trak even greater for big, monophonic sounds. The Six-Trak has a much rawer basic tone than today’s analog synths. Raw analog power at its best. It’s a kind of differently configured SCI Prophet-600.
There are 100 patches, they will load to 00-99 in the RAM memory on your Six-Trak. As always I aim to create great playable sounds easily translatable to your own Productions or for Live use. I have created basses, arps, leads, pads and my usual styled analog keys too. I hope you enjoy these sounds as much as I enjoyed creating them!
You will receive all the sounds from my video plus extra sounds that are not shown in the video, 100 patches in total. The soundset comes as a sysex file with a patch list and loading instructions (PDF).
Six-Trak OS UPDATE V 14: This sound pack has been specifically programmed to take advantage of the latest firmware version 14. This is a chip that you can buy online and easily install in your Six-Trak (drop in replacement). If your Six-Trak version is lower than 14, the unison sounds will sound slightly different.
The “SIX-TRAK V14 Soundset“ soundset costs 20 Euros, payment is via PayPal. To purchase it, send a message to:
IMPORTANT: NOW KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR SPAM/JUNK FOLDER! I answer within 12 hours. After payment you will get the patches (including a patch list and loading instructions, both as PDF) to your email address.
The patches are royalty free. Use them for your music as you prefer! Buying this soundset you purchase the right to use these sounds in your music, releases and gigs.
QUESTION: What would I need to load these patches into my Six-Trakt?
ANSWER: You just need a computer with MIDI interface and a MIDI cable.
QUESTION: How does the patch loading process work?
ANSWER: Included in the sale is a PDF with easy-to-follow instructions.
QUESTION: Can I load these patches into my Six-Trak with older OS?
ANSWER: Yes, but the monophonic sounds could sound slightly different (there is no detuning parameter)
QUESTION: Can I load these patches into a software synth?
QUESTION: Can I load these patches into a Sequential Multi-Trak oder Split-Eight or other Sequential synths?
ANALOGAUDIO1 patches are available for the following synths (link to the YouTube Playlist):
8 months ago 00:11:07 2
10 Iconic Depeche Mode Intros
9 months ago 00:17:28 1
Free Synth - Six-Traq by Full Bucket Music (No Talking)
9 months ago 00:11:57 1
Full Bucket Music Six-Traq Sound Demo - Sequential Circuits Six-Trak Emulation | SYNTH ANATOMY
9 months ago 00:36:40 3
Sequential Circuits Six-Trak // 80’s Poly, and the OG Groovebox