Tengen-Nuki (天元貫)“ using “Odachi“(大太刀) “Nodachi“(野太刀)

Tengen-Nuki (天元貫)“ with “Odachi“(大太刀) “Nodachi“(野太刀) I see a lot of people misunderstanding. A sword called “Odachi“(大太刀) or “Nodachi“(野太刀) is a generic term for “long sword“ which exceeds about 90 cm (三尺). Other than that, it does not mean that a particularly strict classification method is decided. Whether it is uchigatana or tachi is not an important classification. This is one of technique for beginners. We learn how to unsheath the sword, and how to thrust. Kuwami sensei uses “Sanshaku-To (三尺刀), blade length: 90cm, weight: “ in video clip. Our official blade length is 2 Shaku 2 Sun (二尺二寸) but we practice technique with long blade sword in stages. Enbu: 10th Shike KUWAMI Masakumo (第十世師家 鍬海政雲)
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