Ignaz Malzat (1757-1804) - Sinfonia concertante in C
Autor: Ignaz Malzat (1757-1804)
Obra: Sinfonia concertante in C
Intèrprets: CIara Dеnt (oboe); Bence Bοgányi (fagot); Monika Grаbοwzka (violine); Orchester der Akademie St. Blаsіus; Karlheinz Sіеssl (conductor)
Sinfonia concertante in C
1. Allegro maestoso 0:00
2. Andante un poco adagio 12:15
3. Variazioni con rondo 18:27
Pintura: Carl Ludwig Hackert (1740-1796) - Vue de Lausanne (1796)
Purchase: No available
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Ignaz (Adamus Ignatius Franciscus de Paula Josephus) Malzat
(Vienna, 4 March 1757 - Passau, 20 March 1804)
Composer and oboist, son of Josef Malzat (1723-1760). As early as 1774 he was a court musician in Salzburg and is supposed to have been a pupil of Michael Haydn. After travelling in France, Italy and Switzerland he became oboist in the parish church at Bozen (1778) and in May 1788 entered the service of the Prince-Bishop of Passau. He was known primarily for his instrumental works, a few of which are listed in the Traeg catalogue of 1799. His extant works include concertos for cello (two, A-KR, SEI), oboe (two, A-Ssp, D-Dlb), two oboes (A-KR) and oboe and bassoon (KR), a sextet (US-AAu), a quintet (A-Ssp), a cassation (H-KE) and three wind partitas (A-KR, Sca). The cello concertos may have been composed for his brother Johann Michael Malzat. His pieces have an attractive charm with many felicitous touches, and avoid contrapuntal complexity or harmonic experimentation. The works lie well for the instruments chosen but there is little virtuoso display; his orchestral accompaniments are full, though he seems to have favoured quiet openings. Four notated cadenzas, entirely metrical, survive in the two duo concertos.
Komponist und Oboist. Wurde bereits 1774 Hofmusiker in Salzburg, hier Schüler von M. Haydn. Spätestens im Oktober 1775 verließ er Salzburg und bereiste Frankreich, Italien und die Schweiz. 1776 zunächst in Wien und dann in Frankfurt am Main. 1778-88 war er Oboist am Bozener Pfarrchor und 1788–1803 Kammermusikus des Fürstbischofs von Passau. 1792 trat er in Kremsmünster auf, 1803/04 lebte er nach Auflösung der Passauer Hofmusik von einer Tätigkeit als Theatermusiker und/oder vom Privatunterricht.
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