Thousands of knights were slain by the English archers at battles like Agincourt, even though they wore full armour; we just didn’t know how the main film of the Arrows vs Armour 2 series went a long way to explaining how this could have happened; but still we had questions. This follow on film goes a long way to explaining how it may have actually occurred.
How vulnerable is the arm armour? Could the neck structures be damaged through blunt force? Are the eye slits and the breath holes vulnerable?
We film it and we show it. No pre-written scripts, no hype, no fluff, no predetermined TV outcomes; just factual truth.
This project generated so many questions that we had to make other films to answer them and these are linked below.
We have also put together a website hosting all the films, documents, supplier contacts and biographies for this series of films
The Arrows vs Armour films
Main film.
Plate tests
Mail tests
Arrowhead tests
How powerful is a war bow?
Blunt force trauma.
Testing the longbow simulator.
Produced by
Music: Rise - by TwinsMusic - Licenced from