Idrîsî Ensemble - Ar em al freg temps vengut (trobairitz song)
Rare poem attributed to Azalais de Porcairagues, the earliest known trobairitz. The frosty chill of our church was a fitting atmosphere for this intimate “winter” canso, which uniquely deviates from the traditional springtime opening to express a sense of inner desolation. In this lament the birds are silent, no flower or leaf grows. Azalais weaves themes of mortality and love, mourning the loss of Raimbaut d’Aurenga while rejoicing in the affection of her lover. Given Raimbaut’s passing in 1173, we may confidently attribute the composition to that year.
In this innovative contrafactum, Idrîsî Ensemble uses several existing versions of the same melody from the troubadour corpus, resulting in a dynamic performance based on historical variations.
Voice - Noémie Ducimetière
Medieval portative organ - Thomas Fournil
Kaval - Oliver Dover
Qanun - Konstantinos Glynos
Vielle - Harry Buckoke
Audio recording by Ignacio Lusardi Monteverde
Ar em al freg temps vengut
que.l gells e.l neus e la faingna,
e.l auçellet estan mut
c’us de chantar non s’afraigna,
e son sec li ram pels plais
que flors ni foilla no.i nais
ni rrossignols no i crida
que l’am’en mai me rreissida
Tant ai lo cor deseubut
per qu’eu soi a toz estraigna,
e sai que l’om a perdut
molt plus tost que non gasaingna,
e s’ieu faill ab motz verais
d’Aurenga me moc l’esglais,
per qu’eu m’estauc esbaida
e.n pert solatz en partida.
Dompna met mot mal s’amor
que ab ric ome plaideia,
ab plus aut de vavasor,
e s’ill o fai il folleia,
car so diz om en Veillai
que ges per ricor non vai,
e dompna que n’es chauzida
en tenc per envilanida
Amic ai de gran valor
que sobre toz seignoreia,
e non a cor trichador
vas me que amor m’autreia.
Eu dic que m’amors l’eschai
e cel que dis que non fai,
Dieus li don mal’esgarida,
qu’eu m’en teing fort per guerida.
Bels amics, de bon talan,
son ab vos toz iorz en guatge,
corteza e de bel semblan,
sol no.m demandes outratge;
tost en veirem a l’assai
qu’en vostra merce.m metrai;
vos m’aves la fe plevida
que no.m demandes faillida.
A Dieu coman Belesgar
e plus la siutat d’Aurenga
e Gloriet’e.l caslar
e lo seignor de Proenza,
e tot cant vol mon ben lai
e l’arc on son fag l’assai;
cellui perdiei c’a ma vida
en serai toz iorz marrida.
Ioglar que aves cor gai
ves Narbona portas lai
ma chanson a la fenida
lei cui iois e iovenz guida.
9 months ago 00:18:31 2
Idrîsî Ensemble - Ar em al freg temps vengut (trobairitz song)