Soap&Skin feat. Florentina Holzinger - Sugarbread | Marche Funébre - Live

70 Jahre Wiener Festwochen - Das Konzert Live vom Wiener Rathausplatz - ORF broadcast Florentina Holzinger Festzug As part of 70 YEARS WIENER FESTWOCHEN - THE CONCERT A journey back to the early days of the Wiener Festwochen: in 1929, Rudolf von Laban, the pioneer of modern European dance, organised a Festzug der Gewerbe, or Pageant of the Trades, along Vienna’s Ringstrasse, as a mass event honouring handicrafts. In celebrating this ‘triumph of diligence’, the choreographer was less interested in ‘the people dressed in their finery and the showpiece floats’ than in rhythm as the element linking labour and dance. In Florentina Holzinger’s intervention at 70 years Festwochen - a concert, ostentatious vehicles and daredevil performers put on a dazzling exhibition. In this gleaming fleet of vehicles, body and machine have seemingly become symbiotic. Stunts, crash tests, or an occult fitness studio: here the choreography sets the rhythm with physical abandon in sync with the mechanical gear
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