☢️ Freeman You Fool! – #SFM Music Video (ft. Vandoorea) - Half Life Black Mesa

Set in Half Life’s Black Mesa, Gordon Freeman is on his first official working day in the Black Mesa research facility. SFM music video of the song ’Freeman You Fool!’ by @Vandoorea. The time was 8:47 AM and the energy in the facility was at an alltime high as rampant experiments were conducted in Sector C test labs on a specific gene of doughnuts. The higher management, including Isaac Kleiner and Arne Magnusson seemed to be the ones watching over the research and production of this new development. It wasn’t obvious, but it might be possible that the Administrator didn’t have a clue to what was going on. And neither did Freeman, until he met it all. His expectations about science and knowledge: BROKEN. Freeman You Fool! REMASTERED #animation ► Did you get your OWN #BlackMesa Donut 🍩 🍩 Find @Vandoorea’s work here! Lis
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