Official Visualizer for “Could’ve Been Her” by Ella Langley
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If Ida stayed back home
Never spread my wings
Let you build that house
Let you buy that ring
If Ida put down my dreams
To put you first
I could’ve been her
If Ida dyed my hair
If Ida lost that weight
If Ida worn that dress
And let you change my name
I’d still be waking up
In your t -shirt
I could’ve been her
If Ida shut my mouth
Faked that smile
Probably could’ve made it work for a while
Cried in the dark
Instead of screaming
There wouldn’t be red wine stains on the ceiling
If Ida buried my feelings
Pushed down the hurt
and let you cheat
I could’ve been her
But that wouldn’t be me
No it wouldn’t be me
To let you get away
With every word you’d twist
And every bed you made
If Ida just hung around
Not knowing my worth
I could’ve been her
If Ida just gave up
The standards I have
Let you hit your knees
And beg me on back
If Ida just sold my soul
For a love that cheap
I could’ve been her
But that wouldn’t be me
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