<инверт>【ぼっち】Lamb. 踊ってみた【わがちゃ】練習用反転動画.mp4 - Niconico sm22077116

From my comment I went up to the main house on Thursday and saw it in the double digit range. I fell in love at first sight. After the mid-term exam on Friday, I prepared for the Kanji Kentei in the afternoon. I started practicing at night. I hit all the hardships I couldn’t dance during the test period \ (^ o ^) / I took this morning. I’m sorry for the quality for about half a day! !! I want to dance with someone someday! 【曲本家様】sm22012252 【振り付け本家様】sm22013530 マイリス*mylist/24939481 コミュニティ*co526516 twitter*@rian686 作成 みゅーず 協力 わがちゃさん 元動画お借りさせて頂いてピッチ補正まで手伝っていただきました 本当にありがとうございましたm(_ _)m みゅーず 10/19/2013 22:00 Views 6,002
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