Theasen Pillay about Creative Society | Allatraunites

📰Dear friends, we invite you to join a Live conversation on ALLATRA TV UK with our special guest - Theasen Pillay - Debt Counsellor at TPA Debt Management, a multi skilled lawyer, practicing law in such different fields as Litigation Attorneys ,High Court Litigation - Corporate Law - Labour Law - Specialist Criminal Litigation. Family Law, Property Law and Transfers - Family and Investment Trusts. 🌎 Theasen Pillay will share with us his vision of the Creative Society, the society where he, his loved ones and everybody on the planet will live happily, prosperously and will fill safe and the 8 Foundations of the Creative society. We will ask what are the biggest challenges in the world of Attorney. What new law mechanisms need to be created so the Consumer format of Society could be transformed in the Creative Society. What is the role of every person in society, and who is a real Human? 🤝 The project Creative Society is implemented by volunteers of ALLATRA Internationa
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