This is Nue Houjuu’s theme from Touhou 12: Undefined Fantastic Object
Here you are Boromir, is this a more appropriate picture of Nue? XD
This theme is creepy, but it disappoints me a little that it does sound like U.N Owen. I’m not so disappointed now, because this has grown on me quite a lot, but it’s just... *sigh* I dunno.
I was searching a lot for the right Nue pic. I wanted something scary, but way too badass for the scariness to be taken any heed. I think I’ve found that pic (can you guys see her smile alright? I don’t know how to make videos high quality and such. Also, does anyone know how to make the pic take up the whole screen? I’m bored of the black bars. They annoy me ¬_¬)
Link to Image:
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