Ratchet & Clank: PS5 Backwards Compatibility Performance Analysis - PS4PRO | PS5

Insomniac really do not sleep, with the recent Miles Morales PS4/5 release, Ray Tracing to 60FPS patches and the incoming Rift in Time. They have managed to find a few hours to go back and unlock the 30fps cap on the superb 2016 release. But does this version have any other improvements and how good is that 60fps update? If you enjoy the content on the channel and site, then please consider sharing it where possible and appropriate and if you can please support my work on Patreon:- Thanks For Watching. Please Like & Subscribe and leave comments below Follow on twitter :- Watch in 4K/60 for the best experience. #Insomniac #PS5 #Backwardscompatibility #ratchet&clank
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