With PlayStation 5 Pro, consoles are embracing the reconstruction-based upscaling model that has made Nvidia DLSS in particular a must-have feature for the current era of gaming. PSSR is Sony’s iteration and impressions thus far have been impressive - but what happens when we stack it up directly in like-for-like scenarios with AMD’s existing FSR 3.1 technology along with Nvidia’s state-of-the-art DLSS. This is only one game and one implementation, of course, but it’s the toughest work-out for PSSR we could put together in the pre-launch period - and the results are generally impressive.
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00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:53 Testing Limitations
00:03:21 PSSR vs FSR 3.1
00:09:11 PSSR vs DLSS
00:15:41 ConclusionShow more