15 MIN EXPLOSIVE LEG WORKOUT | Plyometric and Isometric

15 minute bodyweight only explosive leg workout with combining isometrics and plyometrics! All you will need for this explosive workout is a chair and perhaps a mat for knees for any kneeling! Quality over quantity definitely applies here! This is not like a typical HIIT workout where you are performing as many reps as possible... more about holding as best and deep you can prior to exploding out of the iso hold! You then land as softly as possible straight into that hold again! The legs will feel fatigue!! SQUAT HOLD TO JUMP KNEELING TO SQUAT JUMP (Modification Provided) CURTSEY ALTERNATING JUMPS LUNGE HOLD TO JUMP (same leg) LUNGE HOLD TO JUMP (switch leg) BULGARIAN LUNGE HOLD TO JUMP BULGARIAN LUNGE HOLD TO JUMP (opp) LUNGE HOLD TO ALT LUNGE JUMP RDL PAUSE TO KNEE DRIVE RDL PAUSE TO KNEE DRIVE (switch) SINGLE LEG BRIDGE PAUSE TO JUMP SINGLE LEG BRIDGE PAUSE TO JUMP TUCK JUMPS HIGH KNEES X 10 AT A TIME This was
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