Ozark County Missouri Good Ole boys Release Drunkard Samuel Keith Ellison,

Good Ole boy with money released. This story just covers a fraction of this drunkards criminal activities. Victims have contacted expressing concerns for their safety. #drunkard I pray for the safety of his victims.. The prosecutor may have a conflict of interest with the defendant Samuel Ellison #missouri #neighbor Ozark County Prosecutor Lee Pipkins. Lee Pipkins, who most recently served as an attorney for Pointer Blackburn & Brown in Gainesville, was sworn as Ozark County Prosecuting Attorney after running unopposed for the position last fall. As prosecutor, Pipkins is tasked with filing felony and misdemeanor charges and otherwise representing the state in various prosecutions. Pipkins replaces Matthew Weatherman, who served as Ozark County Prosecutor in 2021-22, fulfilling the last two years of the term of John Garrabrant, who retired in the fall of 2020. Last fall Weatherman chose to file to run as prosecuting attorney of Douglas County instead of Ozark. No one filed against him in that race, and he is now serving in that position. The Ozark County Prosecutor’s Office is located off the south side of the Gainesville square. To reach the prosecutor’s office, call 417-679-4648.
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