Zigaboo Modeliste “Cissy Strut“ Drum Lesson (Course Teaser)

Please vote for Drum Channel and our faculty educator Thomas Lang in Modern Drummer’s 2022 Readers Poll! 🎉 👉 “Getting Funky With Zigaboo“ Course available on -- We’ve taken some amazing content from our DC original DVD, “Zigaboo - The Originator of New Orleans Funky Drumming,“ and grouped it into a series of lessons that really dig into the essence of Zigaboo’s sound, feel and authentic New Orleans style of drumming. 👉 --- Joseph “Zigaboo” Modeliste was recognized with a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award and his recordings with The Meters are legendary. He breaks down, discusses, and demonstrates the essence of his feel and grooves that made the New Orleans second-line funk drumming sound. Being funky is one of the biggest compliments a drummer can receive and Zig is the master. --- Connec
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