Paratrooper artillerymen destroyed ammunition depots and UAVs on the right bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region

Paratrooper artillerymen destroyed ammunition depots and UAVs on the right bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region During the counter-battery battle in the Kakhovka direction of the special military operation zone, units of the airborne artillery unit from the Dnepr group of forces daily disable artillery systems, suppress command posts, destroy weapons, military equipment and personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the Dnepr line in the Kherson region. Also, one of the tasks of the paratroopers of the airborne artillery unit from the Dnepr group of forces is the destruction of enemy warehouses located in the rear areas of the right bank of the Dnieper. According to the data received from aerial reconnaissance on the right bank of the river, two warehouses were discovered in one of the settlements occupied by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. One of them was an ammunition warehouse, where ammunition was brought in on civilian vehicles, and the other was a UAV warehouse, where the Ukra... Source: Military Wave
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