Cały opis wraz z linkami tutaj:
music used in the video:
Сокира Перуна - Слов’янин
Siekiera Peruna - Słowianin
materials used in the video:
Евпатий Коловрат - трейлер (2015)
“21st Century Viking Stories“ XXI Slavs and Viking Festival
“Wikingerfest“ Wolin 2012 by Morusmedienpool XVIII Festiwal Słowian i Wikingów Wolin 2012 by Migawkowe pl WOLIN - XX festiwal Słowian i wikingów 2014 (official film of the festival) WOLIN 2015, XXI FESTIWAL SŁOWIAN I WIKINGÓW by Jakub Wróbel Wolin 2015 Battle Saturday
by Hravensael “Animowana historia Polski“ by Tomasz Bagiński
waving flags by footageisland
film idea, editing & realization, cover,
translation, polish & russian subtitles:
Sławomir Słowianin