AD PIRUM - Claustra Alpium Iuliarum

© The National Museum of Slovenia, 2012 The last defence line on the highest point of the ancient main road Emona-Castra is Ad Pirum fort with defensive walls running for hundreds of meters north and south of the fort. In total, they measure almost 2 km in length, and the circumference of the fort is more than 600 m. Due to its location, the Ad Pirum fort was one of the most important points in the claustra Alpium Iuliarum defence system, and, next to Tarsatica, it is also the richest archaeological site. The remains of the fort’s walls have been conserved and the inside was almost completely explored. You can visit archaeological park or exhibition on the topic of Ad Pirum fort, you can walk the 4 km long archaeological route or enjoy in a restaurant. Ad Pirum fort is located approximately half way between Logatec and Ajdovščina, by the local Kalce to Col road. It stood at the highest point of the course of the Roman Emona-Aquilea road in the late Roman period. The defensive walls ran
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