함께하는 이 햇살 속에서
불안도 따뜻하게 덮이는 것 같아요
발걸음마다 꽃 향기가 퍼지는
우리의 작은 정원
그대가 나의 세계에 들어오니
참을 수 없는 향긋한 사랑이
계속 피어나네요
In the light of the sun, my anxieties seem to fade gently. Joy floods into our little garden, filling it with the floral scents with every step. Ever since you came into my life, a gentle, loving, and enticing love has blossomed endlessly in this garden of entwined hearts.
Executive Producer-Dept (뎁트) @dept113
Presented by Dept Music(뎁&
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8 months ago 00:22:31 1
Мусор — позор России! | Почему вы должны сортировать мусор и как к этому приучиться