Iran Releases Netanyahu’s ’Assassination’ Clip? What’s The Truth Behind This Shocking Video?

The Iranian military released an animated video depicting the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The controversial video depicted Netanyahu’s assassination, portraying his death resulting from a time bomb placed beneath his desk. Amid the tension surrounding the death of an top military official, Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps released the animated movie. Senior advisor Sayyed Razi Mousavi of IRGC in Syria was slain in an attack close to Damascus on December 25. #benjaminnetanyahu #netanyahuassassination #iran #israel #hamas #netanyahu #israelwar #hamasattack #idf ...#israeldefenceforce #iranianrevolutionaryguardcorps #irgc #syria #sayyedrazimousavi #timesnow Times Now - Times Now News channel examines news with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the Get Breaking news, the Latest news, Politics news, of the day. Times Network houses upscale television channels. Times Network takes the lead with its ground-breaking innovation and disruption of a new content category. The Times Network channels, which have a global footprint in 100 countries, inform, entertain, and engage viewers of all ages with fascinating and intriguing content, news, and information. Subscribe to our channel -@TimesNow/ Check out our website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: You can Search us on YouTube by- @timesnow
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