(1 Jul 1996) English/Nat
Hillary Clinton, on a visit to Romania, has angrily criticised a book which describes Bill Clinton sneaking out of the White House for late-night meetings with an unidentified woman.
The First Lady accused the author, former FBI agent Gary Aldrich, of making wild and unsupported allegations.
The first day of Hillary Clinton’s Eastern European visit included a performance from children at a local kindergarten.
The children put on a colourful display, charming the First Lady.
But she was less than charmed by reporters’ questions about the book by former FBI agent Gary Aldrich:
Well I think the whole book, from what I have heard about it is a fabrication. It makes wild and unsupported allegations against many people. I am in good company apparently in terms of the people against whom he has made these charges, and I think it is politics as usual. I see it as a politically inspired fabrication and I don’t think anybody should take it seriously.
SUPER CAPTION: Hillary Clinton, First Lady
The First Lady also visited a children’s hospital for AIDS victims and was delighted by a little girl who sang a lullaby to her.
A doctor at the hospital said her visit had been greatly appreciated by the children.
What I can say also is that for them it is so important that the First Lady of the United States of America is here. Because their lives are very short, this must do it a little longer.
SUPER CAPTION: Alexandru Serviescu, Doctor
A crowd of 3,000 greeted Hillary Clinton as she made a visit to the heart of Romania’s democratic revolution.
Nearly seven years ago, dozens of people died at the square during the violent overthrow of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.
Mrs Clinton addressed the crowd.
And the United States as it has since 1989 will stand with you and support you. We believe in the future of Romania and we want to be your partners and your friends.
SUPER CAPTION: Hillary Clinton, First Lady of the United States of America
Hillary Clinton leaves on Tuesday for Poland, and she will also visit the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Estonia and Finland on an 11-day tour.
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