Rendang of Death

In a quaint Padang restaurant, filled with people enjoying their lunch break, two bros put their friendship to the test when it turns out that there’s only a single plate of their favorite food left: The Rendang of Death. (Massacre may or may not ensue.) Rendang of Death was created with inspiration from the legendary animated short ’Bar Fight’ made by the equally legendary animator Christy Karacas. (Rendang. Google it. It’s a dry beef curry from Indonesia, and it’s worth killing for. Trust us.) -- Di sebuah Rumah Makan Padang yang literally sederhana, di antara banyak pengunjung yang sedang menikmati makan siang mereka, hubungan platonik dua orang bros diuji saat mereka menyadari kalau lauk kesukaan mereka hanya tersisa satu piring: The Rendang of Death. (Pembunuhan massal bisa jadi atau bisa nggak jadi berlangsung di sini.) Rendang of Death terinspirasi dari film animasi pendek legendaris berjudul ’Bar Fight’ yang dibuat oleh animator yang juga sama legendarisnya Christy Karacas. -- CONTACT US: 📧 hel
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