Songwriters on Process interviews Kerry McCoy and George Clarke of Deafheaven!

For George Clarke and Kerry McCoy of Deafheaven, it’s not the ritual of the creative process itself that’s important as much as the preparation before the process. Both men use a meditative and repetitive activity to prepare their mind: for McCoy it’s surfing, and for Clarke it’s often running or driving. Clarke writes the lyrics for Deafheaven, while McCoy writes much of the music. For both, it’s all about putting themselves in the best possible headspace to make something. Surfing is a big part of McCoy’s creative process; he tries to go every morning because it’s one of the few times in his life where he can purely be in the moment. “No watch, no phone,” he says. More than a few Deafheaven riffs have emerged from his time on the water. Clarke says that a workout—either the gym or running—is a good way to prepare, as is the drive to the LA studio in all its glorious monotony. Both also cite their manager Cathy Pellow’s strong cold brew as an important part of the ritual. Deafheaven’s latest album INFI
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