Pain Relief Pure Tone, 174 Hz, Full Body Healing, Healing Music, Positive Energy, Meditation Music

174 Hz frequency helps relieve pain physically and energetically acting like a natural anesthetic. It gives organs a sense of security and love, motivating them to do their best to recover to their optimal state. Namaste Below you will find some indications to guide you in this 174 Hz solfeggio frequency focused meditation. Begin your meditation by finding a comfortable and relaxed position, sitting or lying down. Close your eyes and focus your attention on your breath, inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Imagine being enveloped in a warm, cozy light, filling you with security and love. This light represents 174 Hz solfeggio frequency, which works on your body and mind to help you relieve physical and energetic pain. As you focus on the frequency, feel how the organs in your body fill with this same warm, cozy light. This light gives them a sense of security and love, motivating them to do their best to recover their optimal state. Feel how each organ relaxes and opens to healing, letting
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