Athali Monastery - XVIII century Orthodox Church in Himare Albania

Athali Monastery The monastery of Atales is located notheast of Himara. The church of the monastery is dedicated to “Sleep of St. Mary“ and is celebrated on August 15. The annual income of the monastery has been 20 lira. The monastery was erected on Mount Atal about two hours away from Spile neighborhood of Himara. The church is of the basilica type with three naves and has internal dimensions of meters. The masonry of the church is regular with corners and frames made of hewn stones. The roof of the church is double and tiled. The apse is made of hewn stone and ends with a stone frame. From constructions of the monastery there is a ruined two-storey building, the lower floor of which has servedas a katua, while the upper one has been used for living. The church was build in 1759. This fact is confirmed by an inscription found on the west gate inside the church. The unique frescos were destroyed by time, fire and muslims who scratched the faces of saints. Monastery is reacheable by road (trail) or by stone stairs and old path: Please subscribe to support the channel :) #himare #himara #albania #monastery #church #orthodoxchurch #orthodoxchristianity
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