CARROTISТ – YOUR SMILE (MUSIC VIDEO / VISUAL / CLIP 2023) | Carrotist | Каратист
Let me be the reason for your smile (your smile)
When I see your smile I melt inside (inside)
Only by your side my heart can thrive (my heart can thrive)
Only by your side I feel alive (I feel alive)
Your smile is a reflection of your heart,
A glimpse of the beauty that sets you apart,
Your smile is contagious, and it grips me so hard,
Your giggles and laughter I will always admire, yeah
Only by your side can my heart beat right,
Your smile is so bright shining like stars in the dark,
Like a guiding light you’re with me day and night,
I cannot forget your hugs, so tender and tight,
When I hear your laughter it’s like music to my ears,
It’s the most charming thing that I ever meet,
And I’m falling in love, wanna get into your heart,
Being with you feels like pure delight, yeah!
Let me be the reason for your smile
When I see your smile I melt inside, inside
Let me be the reason for your smile (your smile)
When I see your smile I melt inside (inside)
Only by your side my heart can thrive (my heart can thrive)
Only by your side I feel alive (I feel alive)
Let me be the reason for your smile
When I see your smile I melt inside
Only by your side my heart can thrive
Only by your side I feel alive
#smile #yoursmile #анимеклип #anime #lyricvideo #музыка #трек #rnbmusic #popmusic #премьератрека #премьераклипа #премьера #премьера2023 #animemusicvideo #animemusic #visual #2023 #nightmusic
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