System Shock 2 [WeirdJames #3]

Five producers sampled System Shock 2 OST - Ops 2 and remixed it in their own way. Huge thanks to Josh “RobotKid“ Randall for providing the soundtrack stems. Sample taken from his website: Preview by PrRoboTheCursed 3D Text by ovROG Vkontakte: timely: Glueue - @Glueue ovROG - @ovROG GuyFromNet - @GuyFromNet ​ZarBoy - @ZarBoy Ops 2 (Original Mix) : System Shock 2 WinAmp Skin: 0:00 - timely 3:30 - GLUEUE 5:35 - ovROG 8:28 - GuyFromNet 12:38 - ZarBoy
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